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Parenting Teens With Love & Logic

Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood

10h 26m
ISBN: 978-1-64158-961-1


From the authors of the bestselling Parenting with Love and Logic, this teen-specific resource empowers parents to raise responsible tweens, teens, and young adults without anger, nagging, or power struggles. Learn to set healthy boundaries, encourage important skills, and foster effective decision-making with empathy and grace.

Designed to help you and your child grow during the challenges of the teenage years, this book addresses a wide range of real-life issues such as addiction, social media and screen time, peer pressure, sex and dating, divorce and visitation, anger and aggression, paying for college, and much more!

Each topic is indexed for easy reference. Learn to reconnect with your teenager and establish a healthy relationship with them today!

  1. Opening Credits
  2. Dedication
  3. Foreword
  4. Introduction
  5. Part 1: Love and Logic Parents Grow Up
  6. Chapter 1: Teenagers 101: Welcome to Parenting Graduate School
  7. Chapter 2: Love and Logic Parenting: Will It Work with Teenagers?
  8. Chapter 3: Back to the Basics, Part One: Training Teens to Act Responsibly
  9. Chapter 4: Back to the Basics, Part Two: Treating Teenagers as Responsible Adults
  10. Part 2: Living on the Edge
  11. Chapter 5: Fasten Your Seatbelt and Enjoy the Ride
  12. Chapter 6: Understanding Teens from the Inside Out: Internal Changes in Adolescence
  13. Chapter 7: Understanding Teens from the Outside In: External Changes in Adolescence
  14. Chapter 8: Ready, Set - Off into the Real World
  15. Part 3: Love and Logic Parenting Pearls
  16. Love And Logic Pearls 1: Aggressive Behavior
  17. Love And Logic Pearls 12: Disrespect
  18. Love And Logic Pearls 20: Grounding
  19. Love And Logic Pearls 32: The Silent Treatment
  20. Closing Credits
There are books for me, and books for my daughter. I've been challenged, inspired, encouraged and I feel like it's really strengthening my walk with the Lord!
I love the REF-UL app. I am always on the go and I need something inspiring to listen to, but that can get eeeexpensive. Not with REF-UL. This app HAS EVERYTHING I NEED: I play it, I like it, I go on listening. Or I play it, it doesn’t resonate, and I go to the next title. I DON’T HAVE TO PAY MORE! And what is best is it has not only my favorite authors, but also the ones I have never listened to but are on my bucket list.